by Mariana Martinez | Jun 29, 2022 | Blog
If you have already decided to create your own website and you are starting to select the name of your domain, you might have doubts about the differences between a .com and a .mx domain. If this is your situation, continue reading because this post has the objective...
by Mariana Martinez | Jun 22, 2022 | Blog
If you have a business, you are probably wondering which is the best type of marketing for your business, so today we are going to compare the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing and traditional marketing. Today we will have a classic fight: traditional...
by Mariana Martinez | Jun 15, 2022 | Blog
Every day we are more connected to the digital world, however in a world so connected and with so much supply you may be confused about what are the best digital media to use in your venture, so today we will review the advantages and disadvantages of the different...
by Mariana Martinez | Jun 8, 2022 | Blog
According to recent studies, companies that care about understanding how users interact with the buying process and why they buy one product and not another are more likely to succeed, for this there are several tools you can use. Today, we will show you the...
by Mariana Martinez | Jun 7, 2022 | Blog, Emprendedurisimo
My name is José “el Pepe” Torres, but everyone knows me as El Pepe Towers. It was really bad to be fired, but after the bitter pill, I realized that maybe this was what I needed to make a living. I realized that maybe this was what I needed to make a...